Coles is completing a dissertation examining the economic, cultural, and labor history of silk production in Mormon communities from the 1860s to the 1910s, contextualized by national and international silk industries during this period.
Arielle Concilio is a PhD student in the department of Feminist Studies interested in the political economy of political violence in Latin America, economic history, and LGBT movements in the Américas.
Andrew Elrod is a fourth year PhD student who is interested in the history of American corporatism.
Federova is completing her dissertation on American food aid and agricultural development in the Soviet Union during the 1920s and early 1930s.
Ferrari is completing a dissertation on U.S. financialization by examining how General Electric remade itself into a large-scale financial enterprise in the late twentieth century.
Genens is a third year PhD student who is interested in 20th century U.S. social policy and rural poverty.
Halvorsen is completing a dissertation on the logistics industry in Southern California titled, "Moving Goods, Moving America: Technology, Public Policy, and the Struggle Over North America's Largest Port-Logistics Nexus."
Johnson studies the interactions between political economy and technological change in the United States in the decades after World War II.
In 2018 Johnson was the recipient of the William H. Ellison Prize of the UCSB History Associates.
Kassners work examines U.S. Progressive Era social movements through queer theory, examinin interactions between grassroots movements, the state, and public policy.
In 2018 Kassner was the recipient of the Patricia Cohen Endowed Graduate Fellowship, and the Michael Bransfield Prize of the UCSB History Associates.
Paulson is completing a dissertation on the connections between environment and economics that originated on the American frontier.
Rathe's research examines food assistance policies as a lens to understand the changes in public and private provision during the 1970s and 1980s.
Walker is completing a dissertation on the historical origins of the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s.
Webb is a first year student in the PhD program studying international and diplomatic history with an interest in U.S./ South Africa relations during the 1980s.