Maria Federova, History
All UC-Economic History Graduate Student Fellowship
Jesse Halvorsen, History
UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) Grant Award for a Research and Policy Brief.
"Driven to Poverty: Misclassification, and Wage Theft in Southern California’s Short Haul Trucking Industry"
Kristoffer Smemo, History
Rockefeller Archive Center Grant-in-Aid
Samir Sonti, History
All UC-Economic History Graduate Student Fellowship
Cody Stephens, History
All UC-Economic History Graduate Student Fellowship
Megan Barber, History Workers Against the State: The Service du travail obligatoire and Protest in Occupied France |
Charles Delgadillo, History Democracy at Home or Abroad? The Progressive Subordination of Industrial Democracy, 1912-1917 |
Leah Fernandez, History Beyond Patriarchy and Toward Power: Mexican American Women, their Families, and California’s Aircraft Industry during World War II |
Gladys Garcia-Lopez, Sociology “¡En la Lucha!” The Challenges of Inclusion and Strategies for Success of Chicana/o Attorneys |
Andrea Gill, History Race, Place, and Housing: The Struggles to Desegregate Public Housing in Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City, 1966-1993 |
Oliver Rosales, History Race, Segregation, and Civil Rights in California’s Central Valley: The Origins of a Rural, Social and Political Crisis, 1920-1980 |
Jean Smith, History In Search of a Better Life: Working-class Emigrants to the British Empire, 1945-1960 |
Steven Attewell, History One-Third of a Nation: The WPA as Job Creation Policy and New Deal Project |
Charles Delgadillo, History A Workers’ War: Liberals, Labor, and the First World War, 1914-1922 |
Cassandra Engeman, Sociology Social Movement Unionism in Practice: Local Union Involvement in Immigrants' Rights Movements in Los Angeles |
Leah Fernandez, History Mexican American Women in California’s World War II Defense Industry |
Andrea Gill, History Race, Placing, and Housing: The Struggles over Residential De-Segregation in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago, 1963-1980 |
J. Alan Mason, History Work Collective Soviets and the Mobilization of Moldovan Conservatives during the Collapse of the Soviet Union |
Oliver Rosales, History Piercing the tide of anti-statism in Central California : Rural Health Care, Migrant Workers, and the history of La Clinica Sierra Vista, 1963-1977 |
Jean Smith, History Productive workers or a burden on the state? Consumptives in the Cape Colony, 1880-1910 |
Mary Donaldson, History Racialized Nationalism: A Case Study of the Moral, Racial, Labor, Industrial, and National Debates Surrounding the Passage and Enforcement of the White Australia Policy (1901-1902). |
Sarah Griffith, History Regionalism and the Nineteenth-Century Chinese Immigrant Exclusion Debate |
Jill Jensen, History International Labor Standards in the Building of two Postwar Orders: 1916-1949 |
Elizabeth Lamoree, History Agribusiness Against the State: Growers Challenge the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act (1975) |
John Munro, History The Southern Negro Youth Congress and the Anticolonial Atlantic, 1945-1960 |
Mark Schuller, Anthropology Poto Mitan: Haitian Women Factory workers as Pillars of Society and the World Economy |
Elizabeth Shermer, History Creating a Corporate Oasis in the Desert: The Conservative Mobilization and Re-Envisioning of Phoenix, AZ |
Travis Smith, History Race and the Shifting Economy in California's Northern Interior |
Leandra Zarnow, History Labor Pains during Cold Times: Bella Abzug and Labor Law, 1946-1960 |